One Front Door
This service is designed to provide one access route for anyone in need of support during this pandemic. Our support for people covers areas such as referrals to the borough community distribution hub for food parcels, arranging prescription collections from Wokingham Volunteer Centre or referrals to specialist charities such as Link Visiting scheme to help tackle loneliness.
The service in itself is a safety net for people who are without other forms of support. This work is from the Voluntary Sector Action Group pulled together by Wokingham Borough Council on Monday 16th March 2020. Their role in this is to answer all enquiries and find the right method of support for people.
The team also continue to offer advice and information services, in the first two weeks they had a significant amount of enquiries around statutory sick pay, furlough, Universal Credit and employment matters.
Residents of Wokingham Borough can call 0300 330 1189 (enter 01189787258 if prompted) Monday-Saturday 9am-5pm or visit our website to log a support request.
What residents have to say
“Hi I am emailing to give my thanks to both CAB and the Wokingham foodbank I am 81 and am looking after my wife who has alzheimers. I cannot go out as if I get the virus my wife cannot look after herself. The support I have received was really wonderful and I feel when this is over I will make a donation to CAB for their help.”
“Thank you for arranging to have my medication collected and delivered to my apartment. I am so very grateful to you and whoever the volunteer was who kindly waited all that time in Boots to collect it - such a relief. You and the volunteers do such a magnificent job I don’t know how I would have managed without you.”
As of 9th April we have helped 779 unique clients since 19th March access support including advice, prescription collections and/or food parcels.
Thank you once again for your support and please do reach out if you have any questions or comments.
Please note that they will be open this weekend covering Friday, Saturday and Monday 9am-5pm.